May 20, 2017 - 5 min read
I got an email from Twitter yesterday titled ‘Important updates to our Privacy Policy’. My first impulse was to delete the email ‘cuz ain’t nobody got time for that. But then, I decided to actually have a look - the first time in the history of receiving these kinds of mails. This is what I found.
At the time of posting, both the old version (Effective: September 30, 2016) and the new version (Effective: June 18, 2017) of Twitter’s Privacy Policy are displayed on Twitter’s privacy page. If you want to view them comparatively, you either have to open two windows side-by-side or just scroll up and down repeatedly. Both of these seemed a lot of work, so I decided to git diff that shit.
git diff HEAD~1..HEAD
This looks alright, but it can optimized. I decided to view the changes on my browser but I didn’t know how to output the diff to a file. After a few minutes of googling, I found these 3 StackOverflow answers (one, two & three) that helped me form this command:
git diff HEAD~1..HEAD --color-words --no-prefix -U200|./ > index.html
option highlights the words that were removed in red, and the words added in green. (I knew about this already)
--no-prefix -U200
option tells git to show the proper context of the changes. U200
means that I want to see upto 200 lines of context on the changes. Since my whole file was less than 200 lines, it just outputted the whole file.
is just piping the output to the shell script ansi2html that does all the heavy lifting
> index.html
means to save the output from the ANSI to HTML Convertor in an HTML file called ‘index’
Pretty simple.
I also decided to add a few styles to make the diff more readable
pre {
white-space: pre-wrap;
body {
max-width: 800px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
font-size: 16px;
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
The git diff out can be found here
Reading the actual diff helped me understand the exact legal speak that Twitter uses. It’s also a nice reminder to not forget how much access social networks have to our data. Even though we can’t see it, they’re sharing that data and earning revenue off of it.
Praise where it’s worth: The email I got did do a good job of explaining the changes that I found on viewing the diff. The relevant article can also be found here. Sending that email a month before the changes took place and a single button to Disable all Personalization is a solid move on Twitter’s part.
P.S. Using git diff
took just 5 minutes to set up and it helped me navigate through the changes pretty fast.
I believe there must be a lot of other ways we can improve the readability of Privacy Policies, and make sure that lawyers aren’t the only ones who end up looking at it. Animations of the implications could be a possible (and expensive) way. Showing side-by-side comparison should improve the number of people who end up reading it.
git diff-ing Privacy Policy Changes can be useful but there are a few caveats:
)The Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy are a part of the social contract we have with the website, and if we don’t understand what we’re getting into - we’re surely going to be abused.
Let me know in the comments if you liked this article, and if you know any other ways that makes reading Privacy Policies easier.
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